Fisiologia Geral



Créditos ECTS



Informação disponível em breve.




1) Thermoregulation: endothermic and exothermic animals: advantages and disadvantages, types of receptors involved in the thermoregulatory system, thermal comfort zone: physiological implications when below or above the thermoneutral zone and demonstration of practical situations.

2) Bioelectrogenesis: mechanisms of generation and conduction of action potentials;

3) Synaptic transmission;

4) Sensory systems (olfactory, gustatory, auditory - vestibular and visual);

5) Muscle physiology: characteristics of skeletal and smooth tissues; mechanisms of activation, contraction, relaxation in contractile tissues; somatic-motor control.


Physiology of the Endocrine System

1) Definition of homeostasis;

a) Chemical origin: general characteristics of proteic hormones, steroidals and amino acidic derivatives;

b) Biosynthesis, storage, release and degradation of proteic hormones, steroidal and amino acidic derivatives;

2) Organization and function of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis;

a) Pituitary gland: main hormones, functions and regulation of hormone secretion;

b) Hypothalamus: main hormones, functions and regulation of hormone secretion;


Gastrointestinal Physiology

1) Main anatomic characteristics of non-ruminants and ruminants;

2) Regulation of gastrointestinal functions and motility patterns;

3) Hormones and their functions along the gastrointestinal tract.


Cardiac Physiology

1) Properties of the cardiovascular system;

2) Heart: cardiac fiber characteristics;

3) Cardiac electrical activity;

4) Cardiac cycle;

5) Cardiac output, venous return and its regulation;

6) Systemic circulation and exchanges;

7) Blood pressure regulation.


Renal Physiology

1) Glomerular filtration and transport along the nephron;

2) Mechanism of urine dilution and concentration;

3) Juxtaglomerular apparatus and functioning of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

Métodos de Ensino


Teaching method

Theoretical classes will be given to students with a precise explanation of the mechanisms involved in the processes of functioning and regulation of the animals’ different systems in order to allow their survival and well-being.

a) Lectures (20 h): taught by using data show (Power Point slides);

b) Theoretical-practical classes (26 h): they will consist of proposed work related to each module of general physiology that will be completed by students after watching videos or after the presentation of practical simulations.




Hill R.W., Cavanaugh D.J., Anderson M. (2022). Animal Physiology. 5th edition. Oxford University Press Inc., U.K. ISBN: 978-0197552438

Klein, B.G. (2019). Cunningham's Textbook of Veterinary Physiology. 6th edition. Saunders, USA. ISBN: 978-0323676724

Moyes C.D., Schulte P.M. (2015). Principles of Animal Physiology. 3rd edition. Pearson, USA. ISBN: 978-0321838179

Oystein V., Sjaastad O.V., Sand O., Hove K. (2016). Physiology of Domestic Animals. 3rd edition. Scandinavian Academic Press, Norway. ISBN: 978-8291743417

Reece W.O., Rowe E.W. (2017). Functional Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals. 5th edition. Wiley–Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-1119270843


Complementary bibliography:

Hall J.E., Hall, M.E. (2020). Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 14th edition. Elsevier, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-0323597128

Hicks J., Wang T. (2023). Conceptual Breakthroughs in Comparative Animal Physiology. 1st edition. Academic Press, USA. ISBN: 978-0128173664

Ponganis P.J. (2015). Diving Physiology of Marine Mammals and Seabirds. 1st edition.  Cambridge University Press, U.K. ISBN: 978-0521765558

Randall D., Berggren W., French K. (2001). Eckert: Animal Physiology. 5th edition. WH Freeman, USA. ISBN: 978-0716738633

Reece W.O. (2015). Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals. 13th edition. Wiley–Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-1118501399

Willmer P., Stone G., Johnston I. (2000). Environmental Physiology of Animals. 1st edition. Wiley–Blackwell, USA. ISBN: 978-0632035175

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